Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Internet Security - Virus Checkers and Firewall Software, Protection Tips!

I been using the Internet for a long time now, so long I dont even remember when the first I ever used it. But back then there was a lot less hassle of having protection on our PCs and not only that! You also didnt have to worry about having your very own identity stolen!

Todays world is totally different, there are hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet that would love to steal your credit card, bank details, paypal account you name it they want it!

But its not just that they also want to take your identity to ruin your credit by taking out massive loans in your name and having it paid in to your account for them to just withdraw it from there PC

It does not stop there either, not only are we scared to wits of losing our cash but we also have people wanting to destroy our data on our computers out of pure fun and joy Its a sad world we live in.

Now Im not here to scare you, dont close that Internet connection just yet as I do also have some great tips and ideas on how to keep your self protected from such worries.

Firstly, every computer must own a Firewall, but I can hear the slow ticking in your head already banging away and asking Whats a Firewall?

Firewalls are designed to prevent other computers accessing your computer without your permission, to keep this very basic, a firewall is basically wall between you and the Internet. For others to get pass this wall they have to be given permission from the users on the other side.

Firewalls are great protection; I have used many, ZoneAlarm, Norton and also McAffee. But the best I have seen so far would have to be from Panda Software. They have a two in one package having Antivirus and Firewall all in one box. Though this may stop people from trying to attack your PC using software etc there are still many other routes that you can get attacked.

Viruses, Spyware, Trojans are just a few names that are currently taking advantage of thousands of PCs around the world; a firewall will not protect you from all of these!

Instead, you are going to need an Antivirus product which will take care of most of these threats.

Most Antivirus software will protect you from almost all threats on the Internet, you dont need Spyware protection for Spyware, Trojan protection for Trojans You get the picture?

One single Antivirus application will do all the work for you, dont sit there searching endless searches for different products to help you out Why?

In the end you will have loads of junk software on your PC all taking up system resources and wasting your computers CPU power. You will start to see your PC running slower and in the end you will just have to do a recovery of the entire system because it will be too naked to even start up Phew!

But you get the picture now; a single application is all you need, the big brand names do all this for you at the moment, it runs in your task bar and does almost everything except make you a nice cold tea! Just make sure you install the latest Antivirus software soon as your Operating System is installed We dont want anything bad slipping through do we!

To keep your self safe from all the nasty stuff on the Internet then the only best advice I can give you is to stay away from them bad nasty adult sites and also stay away from FREE software sites These type of sites are hard to pick from, some are bad Some are good.

Keep your software up to date and watch where you go and you should have no problems at all.

Gary Levy, IT Engineer, Internet Protection Adviser, Owner of Panda Software Discounts For Free!Cati Blog2156
Aurie Blog89741

4 Things To Consider When Applying To College

When applying for college, do you only think about what you're going to do when you get there? Or do you think about what the college is going to do for you? Applying for college isn't just about fun and games, it's about picking the right college; the college that will help you succeed. So the next time you sit down to fill out those college applications, keep these four tips in mind:

1. Goals.

How often have you heard friends wish theyd gone to a different college? A college that was more suited to their interests and dreams and not their checkbook? A big mistake is to assume that every college has what youre looking for. Take the time to research the colleges youre interested in and rank them by academics: courses, degrees, accreditations, and the ability to transfer and further your education.

2. Interests.

As much you want an education, if its not fun and exciting, youre sure to stop attending classes. So the next thing on your list to rank is interests: what are the teachers like? Do they make class fun and interesting or do they simply read from a list of notes in a monotone voice?

3. Extra-curricular Activities.

Lets face it, no college would be complete without fraternities, sporting events, clubs, and so forth. But what you need to keep in mind is how these events and clubs will benefit you in the future. Will they look good on your resume? Will they provide additional skills? Or are they simply a fun way to get distracted?

4. Financing.

No matter what your list says, the final ranking truly does come down to finances. If you dont have the funds to attend college, youll need scholarships, grants, and student loans. Make sure your college admissions officer understands how these programs work so that you get the best deal possible.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Cari Blog33326
Arlee Blog92465

An Overview Of The Master Plan For Baltimore Schools

On July 1, 2007, Andres Alonso officially became chief executive officer of Baltimore Schools. He will oversee approximately 180 schools and 82,000 students, with the help and guidance of the Baltimore Schools master plan. The master plan is guided by the Baltimore Schools vision, which is clear, desirable, and inspiring:

Accelerating the academic achievement of all students, in partnership with the entire community, to ensure that students have the attitudes, skills, and proficiencies needed to succeed in college and in the 21st century global workforce.

The district believes that achieving this vision is entirely possible by fulfilling the Baltimore Schools mission:

To accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the Baltimore Schools master plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.

The Baltimore Schools master plan priorities have been established in accordance with State guidelines and provide the core of the school system's plans for improving the academic achievement of all students. Goals of this master plan as listed below:

Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all Baltimore Schools students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, and mathematics.

Goal 2: All Baltimore Schools students that have limited English proficiency will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Goal 3: By 2005-2006, all core academic subject classes (CAS) will be taught by highly qualified teachers.

Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.

Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school

Goal 6: Effective management of systems will support student achievement. Such systems cover accountability, communications with parents, the community, and business partners. Baltimore Schools recognize that making a difference for its students is more than simply writing a check. Many businesses provide assistance to schools in a variety of ways including the donation of materials, merchandise and volunteer hours. There is growing evidence that school/business partnerships improve the capacity of individual families, schools and communities. Businesses are thus more willing to support teaching and learning. When students connect school work with the world of work, they are motivated to learn. There are several ways that businesses can help out Baltimore Schools: mentoring, tutoring, becoming a guest reader, giving monetary contributions, and donating school supplies. However, donations can range from pencils to computers; books to playground equipment; flowers to furniture. Volunteering in Baltimore Schools, offering internships to Baltimore Schools students, or joining the staff as an adjunct faculty member are also ways for businesses to maintain a healthy partnerships with Baltimore Schools.

It is also a goal of the district that finances and operations of facilities, transportation, and nutrition services within Baltimore Schools will be effective and efficient. Throughout all of Baltimore Schools, students, parents, teachers, and administrators have many opportunities to experience the positive changes that implementing this master plan can offer.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog57375
Caroline Blog32561

Tips When Moving From One Host To Another

Moving your website from your current host to another hosting provider could be easy or difficult depending on the type of your website. Although it can be a daunting task, you may have to do it because of several reasons. Maybe you need some features which are not provided by your current hosting provider. Or maybe you need a company with a quality web site hosting service capable of helping you when something goes wrong. Whatever the reasons, the process of moving hosts and transferring files should be accomplished smoothly. This article contains some important steps you can take to move your website to another hosting provider.

Here they are:

- Old Account

Don't to close your old hosting account so that your frequent visitors can still access your website. Besides, you can still receive incoming emails until the moving process completely finished.

- Backup your files

Make sure you have backed up all of your files (and directories) correctly. Note that there are two types of transfer mode, ASCII and binary. Use the correct transfer mode when downloading the files to your hard drive. Normally, you will have to choose ASCII mode for transfering text files and binary mode for transfering image files. If you use WS-FTP, you can select the "Auto" mode so that the software will do it for your automatically.

- Keep the important information

Write down the important information about your old hosting account (e.g. billing history) in case you need it as reference in the future.

- Open an account in the new hosting provider

After making payment, normally they will send an email to you that contains your login information (username and password), your temporary URL and their DNS information. Just keep it.

- Login to your new Control Panel

Using your username and password, login to the control panel (e.g. CPanel). Create the email accounts you have already had in the old hosting provider.

- Uploading

Upload the files to the root directory (e.g. public_html) of the new hosting server. Once again, use a FTP software such as WS-FTP to do it. Before you do it, don't forget to setup the software with your new host name (e.g., username and password. Don't forget also to transfer the files correctly (ASCII/binary).

- Testing

Through web browser, visit your website with the temporary URL. Notice whether all files have been uploaded properly and all links work.

- Transfer Domain

Ask the old hosting provider to change the DNS of your domain name. Tell them the DNS information of your new hosting provider. If everything is OK, you will be able to access your website with your own domain name in a few days. Note that if the old hosting provider gives you a username and a password to login to the domain manager of a domain registrar (e.g. enom), you need to go to the domain manager in order to setup the new DNS addresses.

- Close the old hosting account

After the move is done and everything works properly, contact the old hosting provider to close your account.

If your website requires a database support and/or use a server-side script, there are some additional tasks you may have to do.

- Make sure the new hosting server supports your script. When I moved my website to a new hosting provider, I asked them first using their chatting facility whether their server supported a script I intended to use before using their service. By asking them like that you will also find out the response time they take to answer your questions.

- You may have to backup your databases. With CPanel, you can do it using the "Backup and Restore" facility. You can also use the import/export facility in PhpMyAdmin to back them up. In order to avoid incompatibility problem, use both methods. Talking about database, note that a web hosting provider with shared hosting pan usually adds the name of a database with an extra prefix. If both of your old and new hosting providers apply the rule, you can try to ask the new provider to give you the same username as the old one.

- Don't forget to modify the configuration file(s). You may have to change the information about your database or the absolute path.

If you meet any troubles, don't panic. Check everything from the configuration files to the .htaccess file . If needed, contact the support staffs to help you. Some web hosting providers even offer script installation for their new customers.

By moving from one host to another quickly and efficiently, people can still find your website without realizing what you are doing. Although you may meet some difficulties, moving from your current host to a new one that provides better features and supports is something you will never regret.

Heris Yunora is the owner of Blog28569
Ardene Blog51599

Tips On How To Study History

Before we actually dive into this vast subject, I would like to touch on a few things. Firstly, studying history is like studying any other type of subject in that it demands participation and a big amount of patience. The successful student forces him or herself to study, of course there are certain tactics to make the whole thing go by easier and more effective.

Having that said, you should know that the following advice is what I feel is the most appropriate approach to studying history, it does not imply (by any means) that it is the only way to study history, we should have this issue clear. Secondly, if this way of studying does not fit your way of learning, throw it out and never look back! What! Did I just tell you to dismiss my own advice? Well, yes, but only if you find it reprehensive enough to the degree that you feel that the advice will actually give you worse result than benefit. Albeit, here it goes:

Studying history is often perceived as boring I have to disagree, its not just boring it is really boring if you dont know how to tackle it! Heres my take on the two elements you should always look at when studying history:

a) The Reasons/Causes behind an event.
b) The Consequences that followed.

By understanding why things happened and what the events led to, you have in fact answered most of the questions. This is what any person studying history should look at, in contrast to getting caught on all the details. So the first action you need to take when you've received a new history assignment is to write down all the possible causes to the event and the consequences that erupted due to the causes.

You will find that most of the time, finding the consequences is by far easier than trying to understand why it happened in the first place.

Adam Abderisak, a.k.a. "Study Coach" is an education instructor and entrepreneur. His latest work is a study guide entitled "Study Guide Pro". Be sure to visit his website to check out some of the most "lethal" study techniques known to man: Blog45226
Bellanca Blog91878

What Determines Nursing Salaries

In todays economy with declining employment in many fields that require degrees, the profession of nursing is as solid as it ever was. People with prior degrees are looking to enter the nursing profession. The salary of a nurse varies greatly. There is really no base salary but a fluctuation across the board. The reasoning for this is a varied as the salaries in nursing.

The base pay of a nurse is determined by many different factors. The first of these factors are the years of experience that the nurse brings to the table. A GN or graduate degreed nurse will start out at the lowest salary of nurse pay. They will remain at this level until they pass their board exam or NCLEX. Upon passing their boards they will receive a small increase in pay anywhere from $2.50 per hour to $5.00 per hour. The most important factor in this scenario is to keep in mind that if the graduate nurse does not successfully pass the board exam the hospital can terminate their employment or extend to them a grace period in which they have the opportunity to pass the boards a second time. In the past years, it was not unusual for a graduate nurse to stay on as a hospital employee for years before finally passing or taking their boards.

This practice is no longer widely accepted. Also the graduate nurse is not allowed to pass any medications until they have their licensure. The question remains, what is the typical base salary for a graduate nurse. It is safe to say that the salary ranges in the low to mid forty thousand dollars per year. This discrepancy of several thousand dollars has much to do with the location of the hospital. For instance, in rural communities where much of the hospital funding comes from the government, the pay rate may be higher or lower than a privately funded institution.

The mitigating factor is how successful the grant writers are at tapping into government funds, and how much private endowment monies are bestowed to the hospital. Even with these two factors in place comes the process of dissemination of the funds. This is dependent on how the board of directors see fit to use the funds. These funds could be put to the construction of a new hospital wing, or to the purchase of new diagnostic equipment.

Whether or not the nurses are unionized is also another factor in entry level nurse pay. Unions can either work for or against nursing wages. Sometimes non-unionized hospitals pay more.

Shift premiums are also a factor. The top shift premium is paid for the midnight shift. Midnight shift premiums range anywhere from $2.50 per hour to $4.50 per hour. Since most shifts in hospitals are now twelve hour shifts, midnights start around 7:30 p.m. and end around 7:30 a.m.. These are attractive hours for many nurses since they get four days off during a week and are still considered full time at thirty six hours per week. Health benefits including dental and optical are included in the total package and begin anywhere from one week after hire up to ninety days.

The area of the hospital that the nurse will work in is also a factor in pay. For instance those nurses that are trained for specialty care areas such as intensive care units (I.C.U.), the operating room, recovery room, or in the cardiac care facility will get paid an extra premium upon completion of their training in the hospital.

Different areas of the United States have been known to differ in nurse pay scales according to the cost of living and population densities.

In the final analysis, the following factors are involved in determining the salary of an entry level nurse

Robyn KnappCathlene Blog89703
Alyse Blog62587

Bartering Online

Online bartering has been going on for at least ten years. High profile websites that feature the service have been online for at least five years; a little surfing reveals that they are going through a process of consolidation and realignment.

There are a couple of models for online barter. A few sites charge substantial fees for member merchants to join and advertise. Their membership figures number in the tens of thousands. There are also sites that provide free access to people and merchants who wish to barter. Each site has a method of establishing value for the members goods or services, and each member has an account with the service based on what has been sold or bought. The host site takes a piece of each transaction, generally five to eight percent. is now known as international monetary exchange. Membership costs $595.00 and the fee structure is 7.5% buy or sell commission. In addition there is a $12.00 monthly fee. The site claims 15,000 members and advertises that base as an extension of your business advertising and account sources, should you join. was established by a web hosting company ostensibly to assist its clients in expanding their business transactions. The host company, claims to advertise the bartering service and member clients - through the purchase of keywords on Google and Yahoo. For clients who do not use the web hosting service there is a $199.00 membership fee, a $14.95 monthly maintenance fee and a 5% buy or sell commission.

The service available at is a general trading site with no evidence of fee structures at all. They are heavily engaged in selling advertising. is also a fee-free site that has international aspirations, providing a search tool by country. Their financial model is also adverting-based.

At you will find the World Barter Banc which seems to have started as a travel barter service and has now expanded into the general marketplace. They claim 41,000 merchant members and have a specific and detailed index of product categories eBooks, cosmetic surgery, costume jewelry, etc. The page has featured products which presumably cost the merchant for prominent placement, as well as a product search feature. is a site with a different look and a founder who came to the barter business through participating with her own online company. However it has the same product index and is clearly the same operator. is a book exchange that works on non-monetary credits one for a paperback, two for a hardbound book. The service is free, but provides a premium level for a monthly fee that gives members the first shot at new listings, the ability to limit listings, and so forth. provides a similar service, with a more sophisticated point system and a centralized shipping system which presumably provides the site with a source of revenue. is a well organized directory of barter sites. You can choose from general barter, B2B, travel, and a number of straight commercial options such as services that provide apartment listings and, in fact, vine vendors. Bigvine is a lead generation site, not a barter site. is a general bartering service with no membership fee. Their home page divides your search options into B2B, media buying (read ad-swapping on the Internet), travel, human resources, office equipment, real estate and more. This service has gone for wide distribution as opposed to a paying membership base; it is a pass-through service that advises its members to nail down shipping costs before closing a deal.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She helps clients understand how a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, & VPS hosting to a wide range of customers.Alida Blog9030
Amye Blog27262

Why Should You Choose Teak Patio Furniture?

More and more people are beginning to appreciate the beauty of teak patio furniture. This is particularly true for those people who care more about the quality of their wooden patio furniture rather than the quantity of it. Teak is an elegant and long lasting wood which grows mostly in Burma, Indonesia and other exotic locations. Popular belief is that Egypt was one of the first countries to use wood patio furniture. However, over the years the whole world has recognized the beauty and grace of teak patio furniture. The popularity of Teak for wooden patio furniture is based on its resilience, unique grain, and its durability to resist insects and natural decay. Even in an untreated form, the longevity of unfinished teak is impressive, as it can last up to 75 years.

Wooden patio furniture comes in many styles and in various finishes. Nowadays the best outdoor wood patio furniture sets can rival the quality of indoor dining furniture. There are many different types of wood used. As well as Teak, these include Cypress with its unique grain; Cedar which transforms from a red or reddish-brown colour to a silvery-grey appearance; and Knotted Pine which has a natural resistance to the outdoor elements, pests, and decay.

So why are so many people interested in Teak patio furniture? Well, the answer lies in the wood itself. Teak is a very hard wood that has a strong resistance to winds, pests, humidity, and all manner of conditions that a normal wood faces in its lifetime. It is an extremely durable wood that is often used in construction around water, such as decking in marine locations. As a result teak patio furniture can withstand very harsh weather during the winter months and still look fantastic during summer. In fact some people prefer the look of this type of wooden furniture as it gets older, as the wood matures to a beautiful silver-grey colour.

It is important to have a word of caution here. Just because Teak is durable, it doesn't mean you shouldn't care for your wooden patio furniture. Teak does not splinter but it may develop small cracks with time; due to its high content of natural oils. It should be treated if you plan to leave it out in the winter or during bad weather, as its oils do not create a great surface sheen.

As with any form of wooden patio furniture it is a good idea to avoid spilling drinks or other foodstuffs on it. If an accident does happen do not try and clean it with common household detergents. Either just leave the stain to fade over time or sand the area down with high grade sand paper and re-polish it. Remember, you must make sure your Teak patio furniture is clean before re-polishing otherwise you will trap the dirt into the wood.

You will probably pay more for a Teak patio furniture set than for other types of wooden patio furniture and certainly more than for plastic furniture. However, you are buying quality. It is very satisfying to sit outside on a sunny winter's day enjoying your garden in the knowledge that your neighbours have had to pack their garden furniture away for the season.

The final point to note is that after making that investment in elegant Teak patio furniture you should not spoil the effect by finishing it off with cheap accessories. So do not buy cheap cushions or a flimsy umbrella. Cushions should be thick, about for to six inches, and be made from good quality material that enhances the wood. The umbrella should be made from teak and material that complements the cushions. Get these accessories right and your patio furniture will be aesthetically pleasing to both you and your visitors.

Michael Saville has written other articles on patio furniture. These can be found by visiting The site also includes information about buying and maintaining all other types of patio furniture.Celia Blog44648
Beverley Blog56255

Glossary Of Terms (A-C) - CCTV

Alternating Current

Electronic system used to allow, restrict and track the movement of people through entry/exit points in a site. This is achieved through the use of electronic individual codes, keys or cards etc, to release a locking mechanism.

A feature built into some multiplexers, which is used to detect movement within a cameras field of view that is then used to improve camera recording update rate.

An electronic circuit that is used to boost the video signal in a camera in low light conditions. Use of this feature will usually give a noisy or grainy picture. When comparing camera specifications always use data with AGC off.

A facility which allows the use of external alarm equipment such as PIRs, magnetic contacts etc to be connected to CCTV equipment so that when the alarm is activated the CCTV equipment will automatically carry out a pre programmed function such as switching to record a given camera.

A feature of an Auto Iris lens used to adjust the between peak and average voltage which will emphasise detail in bright areas (peak), or shadows (average).

Complex mathematical formulae or rules used to solve complex problems in CCTV they are used to achieve digital compression of a video picture.

Also known as Moir patterning. This is an effect that occurs when an analogue signal is sampled digitally at a sampling frequency less than twice the signal frequency. The effect can be minimised by a technique known as optical low-pass filtering.

A signal in which the level is represented by a directly proportional voltage. In video the cameras scene is represented by varying the voltage in the video signal where the voltage is directly proportional to the light level.

DC power source with a longer life than a standard battery. Cannot be recharged.

Expression of the strength of a video signal at a given point. Measured in Volts.

Represents the area of a scene (maximum horizontal and vertical angle) that can be seen through a lens. Measured in degrees.

The light gathering part of a lens. The size of the aperture is controlled by the Iris. Aperture size is expressed as an f number. The lower the f number the greater the amount of light gathered by the lens.

The ratio between the width and height of a video picture. The standard Aspect Ratio for CCTV Monitors, NTSC and PAL systems is 4:3.

A type of lens, which has a non-spherical shape. It is harder and more expensive to manufacture, but it offers certain advantages over a normal spherical lens.

The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. Used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. Measured in decibels (dB).

A device used to detect sound. In CCTV system it can be interfaced with a switcher to switch on a nominated camera when the detector is activated.

System used in colour cameras to detect and automatically correct errors in the amplitude of colour signals.

An automatic method of varying the size of a lens aperture to allow the correct amount of light to fall on the imaging device. The lens Includes a tiny motor and amplifier, which are used to maintain a one-volt Peak to peak video signal.

A feature of a pan and tilt head or dome, which allows the camera to pan continually between two preset points.

Represents the average light level of a picture and is used to open or the iris in an Auto Iris lens.

A fine mechanical adjustment in a camera that is used to adjust the imaging device relative to the lens to ensure that it is at the exact focal point for the lens fitted. This adjustment is especially important when fitting a zoom lens.

An effect noticed in Pan and Tilt units, whereby the unit does not come to a smooth stop at the end of the pan movement. This is usually caused by play in the mechanical components of the unit or by attempting to bring the unit to an instant stop.

This is a video signal that has been converted to enable it to be transmitted along twisted pair cables. Usually used where the signal has to be transmitted over long distances, which would produce unacceptably high losses in Coaxial cable.

The frequency range required to carry an electronic signal without attenuation or loss.

A distortion in a monitor due to non uniform scanning which causes the image to appear to bulge outward like a barrel.

Data transfer rate, named after Maurice Emile Baud, Equal to 1bit per second.

Acronym formed from "binary digit". The basic unit of information in a computer or digital system Either 1 or 0.

Part of the video signal, just above the sync level corresponding to 0.3v This is where black parts of an image are electronically represents.

A black pulse added to a monitor signal during the fly back period to make the return trace video signal invisible on the screen.

Standard connector used to connect coaxial cables to CCTV equipment or each other.

Term for a multi-input sequential video switcher, which includes a sequencing output and spot output.

Term for the intensity of illumination of a reproduced video picture.

Control, which increases or decreases the illumination of phosphors on a monitor screen to vary the brightness.

A group of textile or metallic filaments inter-woven to form a tubular structure, which may be applied over one or more wires, or flattened to form a strap.

A group of eight bits.

High quality, high-resolution camera used by the professional broadcast industry.

Computer Aided Design. Method of producing complex designs using computer based software programs.

High frequency signals are attenuated when transmitted through cables. A Cable Compensated Amplifier boosts the high frequency signals depending on the cable distance. This ensures the minimum video loss.

The central part of the cable, which actually carries the video, power and control signals. This can be constructed as a single conductor, or from wire strands.

The outer protective coating, which covers the Cable Core.

Commitee Consultatif International des Radiocommunique. European standardisation body that has set the standards for television signals in Europe. 625 lines, 25 frames per second.

Closed Circuit Television. Television system intended to be viewed by restricted personnel and with a dedicated purpose. Pictures from a CCTV system are not intended to be broadcast for general viewing.

Closed Circuit Video Equipment. Alternative term for CCTV.

Colour Filter Array. Optical pixel filters used in single chip colour CCD cameras, to produce the colour components of a video signal.

The term for the separation of signals when multiplexed at different frequencies for transmission down a single cable.

Optical term, which refers to the distortion of an image as a result of a scattered focal point caused by a defect in a lens. A combination of lens can be used to correct this effect.

The part of the video signal that contains the colour information. In composite video The chrominance signal is multiplexed at a higher frequency than the signal and transmitted down the same cable. In S-VHS this signal is transmitted along a separate cable.

The outer part of a fibre optics cable. The cladding is less dense than the central core, and acts as an optical barrier to prevent the transmitted signal from leaking away from the core.

Standard lens mounting with a 17.526mm back flange (distance between the lens mount and the focal point). Normally used on 2/3 and 1 cameras and lenses.

Term for cable in which two or more conductors share the same axis. Normally consists of a single inner core and an outer shield. This is the standard cable used to carry video signals in CCTV installations, because it does not produce and is not influenced by external fields.

A filter that is placed in front of a colour CCD chip to break up the light into the basic colours (Red, Green, and Blue) The individual colours are then directed at different pixels on the chip.

Device used to synchronise cameras by generating a synchronising pulse that is sent to all cameras connected to it.

The complete video signal, comprising both the video and sync information.

Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to diverge by the inward curve of the glass surface.

Plastic or metallic pipe, which is used to conceal and protect cables and wiring.

The difference in intensity between the darkest and the brightest parts of an image.

The control on a monitor used to change the contrast by varying the amplitude of the video signal.

Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to converge by the outward curve of the glass surface.

Type of CCTV camera, which is concealed to allow video recordings to be made without the knowledge of the subjects.

Central Processing Unit. The heart of a computer or computer based device.

Term used to describe the process of joining a cable to a connector without screwing or soldering. Requires a special crimping tool to ensure a proper connection.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (see Oscilloscope).

Noise generated by the interference between adjacent video, audio or data signals in a multiplexed signal.

Standard lens mounting with a 12.5mm back flange (the distance between the lens mount and the focal point) Normally used on modern , 1/3, and cameras and lenses.

Instrom Limited is an independent security consultancy set-up in 1998 to provide a range of impartial security consultancy services to commerce, industry and the public sector. Blog7362
Ailee Blog39510

Beat the Fall and Winter Blues with Exercise!


Its that time of year again. The temperature is dropping. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. People during this time of year tend to sleep more, lose interest in physical activity, gain weight, experience more frequent bouts of anxiety and depression, and socially isolate themselves. Dont let that be you this year! In the following article, I am going to discuss some ways you can beat the blues with exercise and the benefits you will experience.

First Things First

The first thing you need to do is obtain a medical clearance from you doctor to make sure it is safe for you to exercise. Exercise is meant to be a benefit to you, but if you use it incorrectly, you will end up worse off than before you started.

Set Goals Using the Smart Principle

SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible.

A. Specific: Answer who, what, when, where, and why. Who is involved, what do you want to accomplish, when do you want to accomplish it by, where is the location, why are you doing this, the purpose or benefits of the set goal.

B. Measurable: You must measure your progress. For instance, how many pounds have you lost, how many inches have you lost, how much body fat have you lost.

C. Attainable: You must be able and willing to attain your goal. When you do this, you develop the attitude, skills, and abilities to attain your goal!

D. Realistic: A high goal is much easier to reach then a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force.

E. Tangible: Something tangible is experienced through the five senses; seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or touching. Can you feel your clothes fitting loosely, can you see the physical changes in your body when you look in the mirror, can you feel how wonderful it is knowing you look so good in front of your friends and family?!

Accomplishing your goals will help you master yourself and give you a higher sense of self worth.

Stay Consistent

You can only benefit by exercise by staying consistent. Allow yourself time each day to do some kind of physical activity. If your time schedule is tight, break it up into segments of ten minutes for example. Consistency makes you more productive. The more productive you are, the more you will accomplish.

Strength Train

Strength training has many benefits for you. Having a better looking body will help you increase your self image and self esteem. If you tend to gain weight this time of year, the increased muscle mass will help aid those unwanted pounds by boosting your metabolism. You will also have an increase in energy so you will not feel so lethargic all the time and be tempted to sleep so much. If you tend to get sick this time of year, strength training will help boost your immune system. Remember to strength train to your level of fitness.

Do Your Cardio!

Cardiovascular exercise holds many benefits for you. It is great for relieving stress! You can run or walk your pent up frustrations, disappointments, and anger off. You will have more clarity after a bout of aerobic exercise. Cardiovascular exercise increases your metabolism. It will help you control the body weight normally gained this time of year. Your heart will become stronger. You can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart attack risks through regular aerobic exercise.

Dont Do It Alone

Your goals should be individualistic. However, exercising is something you shouldnt keep only for yourself. If you are beginning to exercise, why dont you find a fitness buddy? Maybe there is a friend or family member that does not exercise. You will be giving them the gift of health. Plus, you can hold each other accountable for your fitness goals. If that doesnt work for you, attend a group exercise class. Group exercises classes are a great place to make new friends, learn new exercises, and relieve stress. There are dozens of classes offered so go after what interests you.


By now you should clearly see all the benefits regular strength training and cardiovascular exercise can bring you. I want you to encourage you today to reach and aim high for your goals. Nothing is holding you back. Take a step of faith and find the world of opportunities that will open up to you.

About Me

Who in the world am I and why should you listen to me? My name is Seth Albright. I am a graduate of Marshall University with a degree in exercise physiology, trainer, speaker, and writer. I have suffered from SAD and depression for many years. I have been in your shoes. However, I made the choice to do something about and so can you! I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this article. Please email me at or visit my website at

My name is Seth Albright. I am a graduate of Marshall University. I am a trainer, speaker, and writer dealing with correcting weight loss and mental health issues through exercise. Catherine Blog14941
Buffy Blog13736

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created by the 28 districts in Orange County in 2003. The primary goal of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is to meet the need for a countywide system that can focus on special education. This includes offering staff development and training to school employees, creating leadership in advocating for legislative and administrative change, overseeing the decisions and rulings rendered by administrative agencies, offering a way to fund the litigation and appeals of administrative and judicial decisions and rulings especially when the outcome has a countywide significance or precedent setting in its implications for all students.

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created with the intention of addressing all the concerns of all students regardless of if the student has any manner disability. Any student that is not receiving the full services they need changed because of lack of funding to support mandates created under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The main problem that Orange County Schools faces with meeting this federal mandate is drawing funds from the regular education program. Funds are often taken from the regular education program to support the needs of special education students. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance aims to provide the services all students need to be successful in meeting academic standards.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance plans to accomplish this goal by providing staff development to its practitioners, use the legislative process to seek adequate funding to provide these high quality services, and when necessary, support litigation to achieve these goals. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance also encourages staff members, parents, advocates and organizations to get involved by using their voices and contact the local officials and hold them accountable for promises and mandates for which regular education and special needs children are entitled.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is lead by an Executive Committee that is composed of Superintendents from different school districts across Orange County. The actual carrying out of the goals is the responsibility of the Review Committee. The Review Committee is comprised of five Superintendents regionally nominated, Orange County Schools legal counsel, two private attorneys representing school districts in special education matters, two SELPA directors, and one business administrator. The Review Committee has been working hard for the past two years in order to try and meet the goals of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance. Even though the focus of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is in the areas of legal and funding, it tries hard to work closely with teachers and staff members so that its members are informed about the needs of the schools at root levels.

Since the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created it has accomplish a great deal to meet the needs of the school districts across Orange County.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Orange County schools visit Blog18372
Alix Blog46392

7 Killer Internet Marketing Strategies Thatll Turn Your Website Into a Money Machine

I suppose a website should work like a fast marketing machine and nothing less. Thats why my websites tick. Because I realize a functional marketing website ought to bring in cash and not just entertain visitors.

What does your website do? Find out This might be the only thing you need to do about your online marketing problems.

Too many websites are wrongly designed... thats why we have online entrepreneurs getting out of business claiming people dont buy on-line! But let me ask you: Has anyone ever visited your website? If your answer is Yes, you could have made at least a sale at one time on-line right? Yes. Thats why I tell you if that prospect eludes your entire Internet marketing strategy, you must hold yourself responsible. Excuses are not allowed.

Internet marketing may not have turned out as you expected, you should even be more thankful; because if it were easy, the field would be flooded with dabblers and that would reduce the amount of money you could earn. Your business is to discover how to make the task easier, so you can lock up your own share of the market.

Hi, my name is Ambrose Ariagiegbe and there are secrets I know that can help you harvest the windfall profits sitting right in front of you on-line everyday and these strategies can help you become the biggest money maker in your industry in no time!

In this article, Im going to show you 7 killer Internet marketing strategies that can easily triple your website sales in the next 90 days. If you take out a little time and tweak your website the way I show you, I guarantee youll experience remarkable results.

Internet Marketing Strategy #1: Create A FAQ Page

You must create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for your website. Often times, your prospects would have questions about your offer. You should try to predict the kind of questions they most likely would want to ask, and answer them on a separate web page. This is one important way to close up more sales speedily.

Internet Marketing Strategy #2: Use the Preference Close Technique

This is based on the fact that people like to make choices. They dont like to feel like theyre being ordered around or given an ultimatum. Give them the opportunity to make choices a lot in your sales copy and youll be luring them into doing what you want. Give them several choices with regard to payment, ordering and delivery. I dont know what youre selling, but the variation could be colour or if you sell a book make it available in different covers. Then you can structure your close by asking which one would you prefer, hard cover or soft cover?

Internet Marketing Strategy #3: Exclude Outside Links

You should try as much as possible to avoid having any outside link at your sales page. Your sales page should be focused on selling making the sale to your prospects. Dont try to impress anyone by linking to all the websites in your industry. Outside links would just lead your prospects away. I recommend that your main sales page should link to at most 4 other pages and they include: testimonial.html, order.html, contact.html and FAQ.html.

Internet Marketing Strategy #4: Sell just one Product or Service

Many websites are only a catalogue of all the products under the sun. I know youve seen even experts fall into this pithole. But the truth is: when you begin to sell more than just one product on a sales page, you end up confusing your prospects, and a lot of them will actually leave without buying anything from you. So if you have more than more products to sell, what should you do? Its straight forward just bundle and sell them in a single package or create a separate web page for each one.

Internet Marketing Strategy #5: Write an Attention-Getting Headline

Whether you know it or not, the first thing anyone whos visiting your site wants to read is a headline. Take it from me: a website without a headline is just as lousy as a magazine with no captions. Just think: a magazine with no headline does not get anyones attention, no one can tell what its all about and the worst is no matter the efficacy of its articles, they dont appeal to anybody. Thats how a website with no headline is. You must have a clear and attention-grabbing headline to entice your visitors into reading your sales copy period!

Internet Marketing Strategy #6: Write an effective Sales Copy

The message at your website is very important. You must give it time. Always, I tell people, when it comes to rating your ad copy, nothing else counts but results. Ad copy writing can be very simple to learn, if you become a connoisseur of good sales letters. Go around and pick up some of the winning sales letters by copy-writing masters; some of the masters I know are: Ted Nicholas, Joe Vitale, Joseph Sugarman, Jay Conrald Levinson, David Grafinkel and so on. Then start studying them and practice to write the way they do.

Internet Marketing Strategy #7: Use Testimonial (And Case Studies)

A lot of websites have no testimonials. You need testimonials to convince your prospects that your product is actually what you said it is. You can try to overwhelm your prospects with all the rationales why they must buy your product anybody would do that big deal! But you need proofs to establish your credibility.

So, if you dont have testimonials, ask your customers for them and you can make it easier by creating a contact form they can fill and submit. Remember to entice them by offering to give anyone who sends you a testimonial a special gift.

Ambrose Ariagiegbe is an Internet marketing couch and the author of 2 best-selling books, including 101 Advanced Little-known Joint Venture Ideas Exposed the most complete joint venture idea generating book online. Celestyn Blog15560
Anastasie Blog9068

Customising A Playhouse

This article will guide you in creating a unique customised playhouse for your garden. It covers paint methods, buying advice and ideas.

A playhouse is a great addition to the family garden providing you have enough room. Its a fun outdoor activity for the kids and it gets them out of your home for a while! These days playhouses are available in all shapes and sizes but a nice sturdy wooden one offers a few huge advantages over plastic version.

Looks sturdier and often comes in a larger selection of sizes
Can easily be painted and customised.

The second point is what this article is really looking at. Children love a personal touch and this is the perfect opportunity for a fairly cheap but big present that will last for years.

Choosing the exact playhouse that you want is something I will leave up to you, especially since there are so many styles out there and you know your own child best. Try to choose something that will fit their style, for example a Wendy house or daisy den for girls and a tower playhouse or castle playhouse for boys. You should also thing about the practicality of room. A big playhouse may be nice but a quaint one may appeal more to your child and look better in your garden, especially if it has a special modification such as ladders up or crenellations. I would also recommend playhouse especially designed for children instead of modifying a more expensive adult summerhouse/log cabin. This is because childrens playhouses often have unique features such as special door/window hinges to protect your children from minor injuries. If your looking for a trusted brand I would recommend Waltons, I have both a shed and playhouse (available here: this company and can vouch for there quality and stability. If you have your own recommendations however dont hesitate to follow them.

You want the playhouse to be strong and stable; its wise to erect it on a specially designed base, you can find advice on how to construct these on most DIY websites. You also want it to be safe, no point the ladder next to a window a wrought iron fence, kids will be kids and you need to minimise all possible risks. You should also consider the age of your children, ideally purchase this kind of item for 3-5 year old so they get plenty of years of use out of it before they grow up.

Now the fun part, there are three main ways to customise your playhouse; paint, furnishings and additional parts.


This is the easiest, most fun and most noticeable way to customise a playhouse. Children enjoy nicely paint thing better than wood coloured surfaces so here is where their input comes in. Do they want an Action Man an action man camouflage print? A pretty pink Barbie den? A space station style outpost? All are easily accomplished ideas once you put a little bit of imagination and effort into it. Lets tackle the Action Man idea since this is the example I will be illustrating with photos. When your playhouse arrives it will probably be in pieces, this is actually a good thing since it gives you time to decide on things. Contemplate what design you want and paint it before you put it together. This gives you a few advantages.

1.You can get to all sections parts evenly
2.You wont have to reach as badly for high parts
3.You can see how it looks on a small hidden piece before painting the main side
4.It will create a more uniform appearance once put together.

You should paint it with a timber paint (available from any local B&Q or DIY store) and remember that wood soaks moisture up, apply carefully and keep in mind you mainly want to paint the outside, not the inside. To create a cammo effect use rough, overlapping triangles lines or diamonds of different shades of brown and green. Interlace them and remember you dont need to cover it all, the wood colour underneath will look pretty good between your camouflage design. For other designs, i.e Barbie Pink you may want to consider only highlighting parts in pink and going mainly white, a solid pink house would be pretty shocking for anyones garden. Parts like ladders, windows, door frame and roof would look great with the remainder either painting a neutral colour (i.e. white) or left wood stained. Remember to add some protection or finish to your playhouse too, a clear protective substance would probably be most useful.

Additional Parts

This can really be the cherry on top. Adding nice accessories to the playhouse is a great way to make it look entertaining. Adding some netting across the banister of a cammo theme or across its roof would be a nice addition or a flower box for the Barbie idea. For your space station you could add some silver painted plumbers tubing round the rails to make them look more like spaceship air pipes.

You may also want to consider adding major parts, such as a slide. While this can look great you must be careful with safety, also test this for weight and stability. Easiest way to do this is to find a slide with a similar height to the playhouse floor and put them close together, missing a piece of the balcony out of construction (please make sure this does not effect structural integrity, if in doubt contact the supplier, manufacturer or a qualified carpenter/joiner).


This is a fairly simple task to do; just choose some second hand/old/cheap chairs, tables, and pillow to give the room some comfort appeal. A few laminated posters and maybe even the childrens own drawings/paintings would look great inside and offers you a chance to go even further making this playhouse your own.

David Parker is a professional landscaper from the Nottinghamshire area of England. He works freelance and is married and has one son.Bunni Blog31937
Bertine Blog15025

Stop Wasting Money On Higher Cooling Bills!

If you could put more money in your pocket, this summer, would you? Well, you can, by lowering your cooling bill. Chances are, it's higher than it needs to be. You'll be surprised at what you can save. No sacrifice required. Check out these quick and easy maintenance tips that can put you on your way to lower bills in no time.

Quick Facts About Your Central AC

Your central air conditioning (AC) system circulates cool air through your house through supply and return ducts (often the same ducts used for heat in the winter). A typical central AC system has an evaporator, condenser and compressor in a single cabinet located outside the house (usually on a concrete slab right next to it), or alternately, a condenser and compressor outside and an evaporator in a separate cabinet, inside (usually in the basement or crawl space). Both systems have a blower that forces indoor air through the coil of the evaporator where it's cooled, dehumidified, and sent through the ductwork into the house. The heat collected by the evaporator is transferred to the condenser (outside) to dissipate.

Change the Air Filter

This is the most important thing you can do to help keep your system working at peak efficiency. The air moving across the evaporator is cleaned before it gets there by a filter located in the return air duct (usually within easy reach in a wall or ceiling, or at the air conditioner itself). Filters get dirty and clogged through regular use; the dirtier they get, the less air gets through the system. The dirty air that gets through is carried right to the evaporator. Dirt sticking to the evaporator coil further impedes air flow, reduces the evaporator's ability to absorb heat and can reduce your system's efficiency by as much as 10 percent. Not to mention, that dirty air is circulated right back through your house.

Air filters are made by a number of manufacturers and come in a variety of types and efficiencies.

* Most residential systems use 1-inch or 2-inch flat or pleated fiberglass "throwaway" filters (thicker filters may hold more dust but are not necessarily more efficient).

* There are also "permanent" type filters: mesh, electrostatic and electronic, some with pre-filters that collect larger dust particles.

* If you or a family member suffers with allergies or sensitivity to dust or other particulates (i.e., tobacco smoke, pollen or pet dander), consider using a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, also known as a HEPA filter. These are specially constructed filters that allow a high volume of air to pass through them while stopping even very tiny particles.

* If you have any question about the right filter for your system, don't guess; check with a professional service technician.

Whatever type of air filter you use, inspect it and either clean it or replace it about once a month during peak cooling season or more often if you're living in dusty conditions or with pets. Never run your system without the filter in place.

Clean Evaporator Coils and Fins

Even if you regularly change your air filter, dirt will still accumulate on the evaporator over time. Check your evaporator coils at least once a year and clean them if necessary, using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, careful not to bend the fins.

Clean Condenser Coils and Fins

Condenser coils and fins (outside) are also vulnerable to dirt - from debris and leaves falling from trees, cut grass kicked up by the lawnmower, and lint from a nearby dryer vent - so, check the condenser unit at the beginning of the cooling season. Cut the power to the unit and use the following checklist:

* Gently remove any debris from top and sides.

* Sweep the concrete pad.

* Prune back any overhanging leaves (2 feet is the minimum recommended clearance; 5 feet overhead).

* Use a soft brush to sweep the fins.

* (Optional) Spray the fins with a gentle household cleaner; let it sit for 5 minutes, then gently hose them down pointing the spray into the interior through the fan opening.

* Keep the unit free of dirt and debris throughout the season.

* If you can shade your unit (without blocking airflow), even better: the shaded air around your system will be cooler, and a properly shaded system can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently over the course of the season.

Keeping your evaporator and condenser coils free of dirt and debris can improve your system's performance by as much as 10 percent. Just be careful with those fins. They're a little fragile and easily bent. It's best to use a special tool called a fin comb to straighten them. Those are available through your local home center or online. Be sure to buy the correct comb for the number of fins per inch your unit has.

Other Simple Steps to Savings

* Anything that obstructs the flow of air through your system reduces its efficiency and drives up your bill -- keep your registers clear of furniture, drapes and other obstructions.

* Keep all exterior doors and windows closed when operating the system.

* Raise your temperature setting. Raising the setting even 1 degree can lower your bill by as much as 9 percent over the course of the season.

* Keep your system set on "AUTO" and let your thermostat do its job. If you find you need to run the fan constantly to keep cool, it's time to call a technician.

* Set your system to recirculate the indoor air (if you have the option) rather than drawing outside air. Conditioning the warmer outside air takes far more energy than simply recirculating the already conditioned household air.

* A little money spent could equal a lot of money saved: have a qualified service technician check your system at least once a year. The technician will measure your refrigerant to see if it needs recharging, inspect your coils, measure air flow over the cooling coil, and will do a thorough inspection of the motor, compressor, air handler, and ducts (and of course, the air filter). The technician can spot potentially costly problems early or help you avoid them entirely.

For Owners of Older Houses

If you're still using a central air conditioning system manufactured during the 1970s, you're likely using 30-50 percent more energy than a more recently manufactured unit would use. Even if your unit is only ten years old, replacing it with a new, more efficient unit can save you 20-40 percent in cooling costs. Over the life of the unit, that's considerable savings, especially with energy costs continuing to rise.

Liz Pauley is a staff writer for at, a website devoted to owners of ranch style houses, old and new.Antonietta Blog50169
Ariel Blog35096

Beijing Plays Energy Cleanup for 2008 Olympics

In Seoul, South Korea, public officials pressured food vendors to stop selling roasted canines during the 1988 Olympiad to avoid giving the city and country a bad name among the tourists.

Beijing has a more serious problem. It is one of the more toxic and polluted cities in the world.

This calls for a different recipe using more natural gas in the ramp up time before the 2008 Olympics, which will be held about 13 months from now.

Our sources had suggested coalbed methane gas might be used to light the Olympic flame. Boldly, we included a fantasy photo of this in the introduction to our publication, Investing in Chinas Energy Crisis. How close to the truth we came!

Further research pointed to a widespread substitution of coal for natural gas in Beijing over the course of the next year. Now it appears official. Earlier this week, China Petroleum Daily reported that state-owned China National Petroleum Corp is hoping to increase Beijings supply of natural gas by 5.5 billion cubic meters by next year.

Crude oil refiner Sinopec hopes to provide low-sulfur gasoline, through its Yanshan refinery, to help reduce smog levels from Beijing's explosive growth in automobile use.

Natural gas will be used instead of coal to fuel Beijings electric power plants, water heaters and cookers. Some cabs and buses will be running on natural gas and coalbed methane gas. This wont be a first for China. We covered CBM-powered taxicabs in a previous article and later discovered the practice has been spreading across China.

Not only did Jiangxi first connect its coalbed methane to its power station in early June, but (as we have been forecasting) the big China energy companies have made CBM a top priority.

China National Petroleum (CNPC) has begun exploring a new CBM field in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region earlier this week.

This has little to do with the Olympics, because the well fields wont be producing before the games commence, but it confirms CBM is quickly becoming an integral strategy in Chinas energy mix.

The Olympics is just a reminder that Beijing and China are getting serious about using cleaner fuels to power the countrys rapid GDP growth while also getting even more serious about reducing the countrys abysmal pollution.

COPYRIGHT © 2007 by

James Finch contributes to and other publications. He has contributed to the widely popular Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market, and Uranium Outlook 2007 - 2008. His recent work, Investing in Chinas Energy Crisis, is now available at Blog14485
Brynn Blog43851

Taking Advantage Of Your Concierge In Cancun

Travelers often dismiss concierges as meaningless middlemen. Yet, when vacationing in Cancun, your hotel concierge can supply you a world of information and opportunity. These jacks-of-all-trades can be found at most resorts and know Cancun as well as anyone. While some concierges may have more valuable connections than others, any one of these hotel professionals can provide invaluable tips for your stay. Best of all, their assistance and advice are free of charge.

When in Cancun, youll obviously be in search of unique recreation and entertainment opportunities. To access the best this exotic destination has to offer, ask your concierge for assistance setting up special activities for your vacation. Whether you want to go scuba diving or snorkeling with Cancuns premier dive masters, take a private tour of ancient Mayan ruins or play a round at one of Cancuns exclusive golf resorts, your concierge is the best ticket to the finest attractions.

Keep in mind concierges are paid to be the ultimate Cancun insiders. They attend museum exhibits, dine at the finest restaurants and frequent the exclusive clubs, all for the sake of telling you what's worth your time and money. Along the way, they develop business relationships that offer hard-to-find tickets, reservations and discounts. As a result, restaurants are more likely to accommodate concierges from high-profile resorts for last-minute reservations or special accommodations than the average tourist.

When asking about restaurants, it pays to be specific. Suggest a location, view, price range or cuisine to ensure your concierge knows exactly what youre looking for. The same goes for any request you make of your concierge in Cancun, anything from shopping for the perfect gift to locating a doctor or babysitter. The more information you provide the concierge, the more they will be able to help.

Your concierge can also serve as a travel agent - confirming flights, changing seat assignments, securing visas and boarding passes, even planning entire vacations. Concierges can even act as personal assistants, running errands like delivering business materials and picking up needed supplies.

Just as important as those perks, a good concierge will serve as an instructor of local customs and etiquette, letting you how to dress at the beach or the best way to experience the nightlife. Your concierge will also be up to date on events and festivals in Cancun and can suggest the best times to visit certain attractions.

Like every other travel detail, the best travel tip regarding the concierge remains the ability to plan and organize. To take full advantage of the possibilities outlined above, your relationship with the hotel concierge should begin well before checkin. Though many travelers arent aware of this fact, you can call the concierge up to one month before you arrive to discuss any of the objectives for your trip, be it business or pleasure. With such advance notice, your concierge can make all of your arrangements and appointments and even grant you a detailed hourly itinerary when you arrive. An advance call to the concierge is also the best way to ensure a table at a popular restaurant or a ticket to a sold-out event. While a concierge can often use his connections to make a last-minute reservation, the more time you allow the better.

Calling in advance can also qualify you for special pricing at your hotel. The concierge will know about seasonal specials the resorts dont advertise, in addition to discount opportunities for dining and sightseeing.

As mentioned, concierge services are free. However, introducing yourself and offering a $20 gratuity at the beginning of your vacation is a good idea if you plan on making several requests. As a general rule, a tip of $5 is acceptable for dinner or entertainment reservations. A tip up to $100 might be in order if the concierge developed your itinerary or exhibited truly exceptional service. Furthermore, when you return to the resort, the concierge will certainly remember you and be prepared to serve again.

This article was written by Justin Burch. Justin writes select pieces about travel in Mexico for the CasaMagna Marriott Cancun Resort. Blog94013
Alfreda Blog15484

Discount Luggage and Travel Accessories

Traveling in Style

What exactly does it mean to travel in style? It means you deserve to treat yourself well whenever you're fortunate enough to be traveling for business or personal reasons. Whether it's a wedding, a long awaited vacation or an essential business trip, it's imperative to be surrounded with the comforts of travel. That does not inevitably mean a lot of cash has to be spent.

Aside from routine suitcases, there are additional accessories that are made to simplify trip preparations. They've been developed to simplify organization with the frequent traveler in mind. A lot of folding cubes will keep clothing unwrinkled and pressed. Garment bags or suit packers will contain a folded man's suit with no additional creases. A leather tie case can guarantee that your neckties arrive unwrinkled. Remember to pack a travel clock. Although hotels have wakeup calls, they are not always reliable, and you do not want to ruin your trip or vacation by missing a meeting or obligation. A little folding umbrella is another necessary item you'll want to have in your carry-on or briefcase. Sit back, unwind and check out your atlas - there are many entertaining places to travel. You will have memories that last forever and some exciting stories about other countries and states.

Most discount luggage that's made of a proper material can care for your belongings well and wear well. A helpful suggestion is to travel with corresponding pieces or a set of luggage so you will be able to single them out quickly. Carry on briefcase and luggage should additionally be the very best quality that you can afford to get. That way you can better rely upon the merchandise not to disappoint during your travels. Also, it makes an excellent initial impression if you surround yourself with handsome suitcases and luggage. From the airport check-in to the hotel bellmen, you'll be judged by the way you look as well as the look of your luggage.

When you travel in style, you need to be put together and organized. It's essential that you do not neglect safety when you begin packing bags for your trip or vacation. Luckily, there's such a large selection of bags and luggage available to promise you relaxation while you travel. A money belt is one way to insure you can retain extra money and passport. There are styles available for everybody in wearable fabrics including nylon, silk or cotton. In addition, travel wallets or passport cases are going to hold each of your travel papers in one convenient location, so that you will not need to stress about misplacing or losing anything. There are a lot of travel wallets that have got a convenient place for a pencil or pen, which is always on hand to note favorite places to eat and visit, gate changes, time changes, and all the mundane issues that may come up on your trip. It's also a smart idea to lock your belongings. TSA locks are airport approved and designed to secure and lock your luggage and bags while continuing to be accessible to security at the airport. They're additionally used to lock belongings within the room at your hotel. While there are a lot of marvelous travel jewelry boxes to help you to remain organized while you are gone, you also need to put your valuable belongings in the safe at the hotel. With the adventure of seeing new places and travel, often these simple measures might be overlooked. When you have done some advanced planning, these measures become nearly effortless and simple to abide by.

Due to increased security on airlines and on cruise ships, your bags and luggage can be checked. If your luggage is not neatly packed, or too full, airport security personnel will consider re-packing your suitcases and bags difficult. The most appropriate manner to deal with raised security measures is to be prepared. Packing cubes are designed to hold your clothes in a compact way and to make repacking less difficult. They can keep your garments orderly and neat, and also make unpacking simple. Several versions are created especially for underwear or pajamas. Some packing cubes can hang in the room at the hotel and have a laundry bag on the back. There are leather shave kits used by men to pack their toiletries. For women, there are a wide selection of cosmetic travel accessories to choose from depending on the amount of things they want to take with them while they travel. A lot of of these cases will hang up in the room at the hotel. Others stand on a bathroom counter. Several cases small pockets inside for smaller things or to hold medications or vitamins. There are larger wheeled cosmetic cases for ease in traveling. Investing in the right travel accessories will simplify packing apprehension and can make it easier to get through security measures when the time comes.

Have a great trip and Travel in style.

Isaac Richards is a content writer for who writes about the very best in luggage and travel accessories including luggage sets.Candi Blog10195
Cathleen Blog11928

Home Depot Coupons Can Save You Hundreds

Owning and maintaining a home doesnt come cheap and home improvement costs just add to the budget strain. Its no surprise that do-it-yourself stores like Home Depot have grown by leaps and bounds in the past years. If you want to know how Home Depot can save you even more money than it is already, you may want to look into using Home Depot coupons when you shop at their online store.

Its not surprising that the majority of consumers dont even know Home Depot coupons exist. Home Depot doesnt usually go around advertising them and most people dont know where to find them. However, finding Home Depot coupons does not have to be a wild treasure hunt. The coupons are readily available through affiliate websites and these affiliate websites can save you literally hundreds of dollars with the Home Depot coupons they have to offer.

When I say Home Depot coupons can save you hundreds of dollars, I am not exaggerating. In fact, if you are working on your home, saving that much money with Home Depot coupons is pretty easy to do. For example, if you need new appliances and your purchase came to a total of $2,000 and you had a Home Depot coupon for ten percent off, you could save a whopping $200 on your purchase. Thats not chump change.

Home Depot coupons dont always come as a percentage off. Some Home Depot coupons may offer you a gift card if you make a certain purchase while other Home Depot coupons may offer you a free accessory with your purchase or free delivery. If you want to know what Home Depot coupons are available at any given time, your best bet is to check out an affiliate website that will provide you with the links and codes needed to take advantage of the current offers.

Appliances arent the only things you can use Home Depot coupons on. You can use Home Depot coupons on tools, patio furniture, grills, lawn mowers, lighting, flooring, and everything else thats for sale on the Home Depot website. Just remember, Home Depot coupons can only be used online. You cant take the coupon code into a store and expect them to give you the online discount.

Even though there are usually multiple Home Depot coupons being offered at one time, you cant use more than one Home Depot coupon on the same purchase. You can combine a coupon with a discount price or a rebate, but you cant combine two Home Depot coupons with each other. Because of this, its important to make sure you check out all of the currently available Home Depot coupons so you can be sure youre using the one thats going to get you the best deal.

So while home maintenance, home repairs and home improvement can all be a real strain on the wallet, Home Depot coupons can help lighten the load when those high costs come rolling in.

Copyright © 2006, Michael Glozman. Find more Home Depot Coupons at http://Cheapstingybargains.comAnnadiane Blog36143
Amelita Blog81166

3 Tips For Buying A Van

Buying a commercial vehicle for your business can be expensive, particularly if you run your own business, where costs are tight. Make the most of your money by taking the time to think about what you need from your van, what you can afford and how youre going to find it.

What do I need?

Perhaps youll only be making occasional deliveries in your van, or perhaps youll be driving it on long distance visits every day. The number of miles you cover in your vehicle influences the sort of van youll buy. In addition, its important that you think about what youll be carrying in the back. Do you only need a small space so that you can transport cleaning equipment or flower bouquets, or do you have large, heavy or bulky equipment that is essential to your business? Making a list of what you need to transport and how often and where you need to transport it to will help you to narrow down the type of van that will be best for you.

What can I afford?

Your budget is hugely important. Not only does it have to cover the price of your vehicle, but also the insurance, the fitting, any sign-writing you need, fuel costs and service and maintenance charges. The overall cost is much more than you might think and youll need to set aside enough funds to make sure you can keep your van on the road, particularly if its going to play a big part in the growth of your business.

Where do I get a van from?

The traditional routes for buying a commercial vehicle have been specialist dealerships, who often advertise in trade journals and magazines and local papers. These dealers are still the main source of new and used commercial vehicles, but are now paying much more attention to the benefits of advertising and selling over the internet. The majority of people search online for something new whether its a new coat or a new van, so as a dealer it pays to be seen. As a customer, its a great idea to look on the internet first so that you can compare and contrast prices without leaving your home.

VanMart is a dedicated website offering listings of used vans for sale or lease across the UK. Visit our site now by clicking on http://www.vanmart.netCecile Blog60371
Brynna Blog61396

How To Initiate A Distance Education Course: A 9 Point Mini-Guide

How to initiate a distance education course? That's the question you may be asking yourself if you've come to the conclusion it would be a good idea to get qualifications in a particular area, or maybe just increase your knowledge of the subject, but you've no idea how to get started.

Here are nine general points to cover:

1. Have a think about what it is you want to achieve, and make a list. It's okay if it only consists of a single line, such as Learn to make French sauces.

The reason for doing this is to avoid picking a course you don't really need. For example, you might want knowledge on how to sell your house without the help of a realtor. It's unlikely you need a full real estate learning program. But you might want a course that covers how to improve the curb appeal of your house as well as the legalities you need to cover. And it's likely that you'll need something that tackles any local laws that apply, or at least refers you to a place you can find the information you need. The answer to questions like these will determine the course you need to look for.

2. Research the program you need to follow. Where to look for your distance education course? Online is an obvious contender. Or try magazines devoted to the subject you're interested in. Such courses will appear in the classified advertisement section, or, if they're really popular, somewhere among the editorial. They'll usually be smallish box ads (though not necessarily: Linguaphone have been known to take out much larger display adverts)

3. Decide whether accredited distance learning programs are what you should be considering. Accreditation will have greater or lesser importance depending on what you're aiming to achieve. If so, make sure that the accrediting body has good standing. It may be worth doing a little digging on the internet to establish this

4. Consider how you'll plan and manage an e-learning program or correspondence course. You will be making a commitment of time and money, and on top of that, you'll be putting in some work. If you're following an e-learning program, will you have access to a computer when you need it? These things will need some thought on your part.

5. Consider how will you pay? Single modules can eem expensive enough, but if you're embarking on a degree course, the cost will represent a considerable investment. You may have to arrange a loan, perhaps via your bank, or, depending on your status, a student loan.

6. Arrange the time. In reality, unless you live alone, that means negotiating with family members, rescheduling parts of your life, making resolutions to get up early or stay up after everyone else has gone to bed so you can study.

7. It will definitely be a good idea to approach your boss if your course is in any way work-related. So if you're trying to improve your work prospects, ask if there's any chance of help with the costs, some free time at work to study (some employers have a program for these things), and perhaps some flexibility in your attendance if you need to be elsewhere for exams, etc. (Promise, you'll make the time up later, although if you work for a great company, this may not be necessary)

8. Sign up for the course.

There's a natural human tendency to question whether we're doing the right thing, whether this wouldn't all be a waste of money, to imagine that our life is going to be disrupted beyond belief if we start doing something new. It's not true.

Or we may wonder what will happen if we fail. Well, you have to be spectacularly bad to fail. Exams assume you aren't going to be 100%, and pass rates in some subjects are as low as 65%. Besides, online colleges aren't out to fail you. They want you to keep coming back for more.

9. Be prepared to have to work through periods where you feel less than motivated. No article on how to initiate a distance learning course would be complete without mentioning that after about four weeks of hard work, you'll hit the occasional slump in enthusiasm. It's important to have some mechanism to keep you going. One strategy is to itemize your goals--or dig out your list from point 1 above--then write next to each why it is vital you achieve them. Keep hat image in your head, or repeating your goals to yourself. You may not end up firing on all cylinders, but you will have reminded yourself that, as NASA would say, failure is not an option. It will be enough to keep you going

And there you have it: nine tips to get you off to a flying start in your distance-learning program. Good luck!

Roger White helps you get clear about the hows, wheres, and whys of learning. For more details about distance learning programs and how to initiate a distance learning course, go to now!Cecil Blog24844
Bellanca Blog68305

Botswana Safari- The Haven Of Wildlife Sanctuaries

Vast landswildlifewell, anyone may have those two in Africa but not definitely like the experience that may be had from Botswana Safaris.

This vast piece of land is only one of the few where wildlife need not compete for land and resources with man. The land area is as large as France yet the population counts only to mere 1.6 million people. As an outcome, wildlife has increased in great number that the place becomes a sanctuary for the finest games in all Africa.

Being the world's largest exporter of diamonds, Botswana no longer has to compete with the tourist market. Yet as grand as its land offers for safari fanatics, it can't help but attract as many tourists as its resources may allow. However, the government decrees the limited number of people allowed to penetrate Botswana safaris, thus the significant increase in prices, which ultimately made it as an exclusive safari destination.

Kalahari dessert dominates 84% of all Botswana. Though it is a dessert by name, Kalahari is not much like a dessert, as we may perceive Sahara. Except for occasional sand dunes, Kalahari is mostly covered with vegetation characterized by bushes, grasslands, trees and scrubs. However, water is meager thus the dessert label.

Visitors of Botswana safaris are almost always amazed at how creative and genius the creation and maintenance of its wildlife sanctuaries.

The finest games in the whole region are found in the Chobe National Park which is located somewhere in the north east side of the country. It harbors the most varied games in the country and is refuted to nurse the largest group of elephants in a single place. Elephants here are estimated to have reached up to 80,000 individuals.

Savuti Marshes, on the other hand (which is located in the Chobe National Park) is refuted to have the largest density of predators found in all Africa. Hundreds of wildlife species are found here, both preys and predators.

Its resources for water encourages buffalo, antelopes, zebras and the likes that are followed by predators such as the leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs, lions, and jackals. Some predators here have the tendency to become lazy and living in Savuti Marshes sounds more like a gift than anything else.

Botswana safari is simply a unique place for wildlife conservation. But this act is took time to accomplish. Botswana is a country that is bordered by neighboring countries. While great efforts and done to protect all its wildlife, it still needs other countries' collaboration to make everything working. After all, animals do not comprehend international borders.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on safari & other useful information, please visit Blog38861
Auria Blog86779

Low-cost Private Schools For Your Kids That Charge Less Than $950 a Year Tuition?Wow!

Millions of desperate parents today are appalled at the inferior education public schools give their kids, but think they have no where else to go. The good news is that busy working parents can now give their kids a private-school education at home using low-cost, accredited Internet private schools.

Many parents believe that the only alternative to public schools is either a Catholic or Protestant-affiliated school or expensive non-religious private school. The problem is that even Catholic schools now charge an average tuition between $3000 to $4000 a year. Non-religious private schools can charge between $5000 to over $14,000 a year.

The high tuition costs of private schools puts most medium-income and low-income parents in a difficult position. Most parents may not want to send their children to third-rate failing public schools, but they cannot afford expensive private-school tuition, especially if they plan to pay for their children's college education. Fortunately for parents, there are now new, quality, low-cost education options for their children.

For instance, author Joel Turtel talks about Internet private schools in his new book, Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children. Turtel says that Internet private schools provide excellent education for K-12th-grade kids, and many of these schools charge less than $950 a year tuition.

One example of such excellent low-cost Internet private schools is the Clonlara School, which enrolls K-8th grade kids. Children get a thorough education in reading, math, history and many other subjects in the curriculum. Also, each child can get personalized, one-on-one instruction from a teacher the school assigns to the child. These schools have rigorous academic standards and test each child throughout the school year to make sure the child is progressing in his studies. The schools also help parents organize their childs academic records to present to college admissions officers when the child is ready to graduate.

With all Internet private schools, parents no longer have to worry about the drugs, violence, shocking sex-ed classes, and often incompetent teaching methods used in government-run public schools. With low-cost Internet private schools, parents can give their children a great education in the safety of their own home.

Many accredited Internet private schools now give a course of study similar to traditional private schools. They take children through a progressive curriculum in math, science, reading and writing, history and many other subjects. This structured, comprehensive program, in effect, gives children a personal teacher and private-school education at home.

Internet private schools can be especially helpful for single working parents or families in which both mother and father work. Since Internet-school teachers supervise the childs education, its less likely that parents will have to take time off from work or quit their job to homeschool their kids.

Public Schools, Public Menace" has an entire section devoted to Internet private schools, as well as other education options for parents. The author lists dozens of Internet private schools with their web sites. Parents can use the book to quickly research these schools, find out if the yearly tuition fits their budget, and if the curriculum and teaching methods look suitable for their child.

Those parents who want a better education and future for their children should seriously consider taking their children out of public school, and enrolling their kids in a quality, low-cost Internet private school.

Joel Turtel is the author of two books Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children" and The Welfare State: No Mercy For the Middle Class. He is also a syndicated columnist and education policy analyst.Bernardine Blog30300
Bridie Blog68772

Designing a Superstar Team

We've all been part of teams in one form or another. You've probably had "team" experiences since you were very young, whether on a sports-field, the debate team , with a Girl or Boy Scout troupe, or with some volunteer organization. You most likely enjoyed study or project groups in college. In your professional life, you quickly learned that despite your best solo efforts to change the world-or at least your industry-doing the best job and building a successful business meant surrounding yourself with the best individuals.

You might consider it a given that as a business owner or entrepreneur you want to surround yourself with the ideal team. On the other hand, you may be a solo entrepreneur who considers your helpers-accountant, webmaster, etc.-to be merely a part of the peripheral landscape. Either way, intentionally communicating your purpose, aligning your team around it, and communicating your expectations and your passion, can help you attract the people who want to go there with you. Before you can do that, though, you have be able to define what makes not just a teambut a Super Star Team.

First of all, a group is not necessarily a team, especially in today's virtual world, where people with varied skills are dispersed and may be asked to collaborate from around the globe. Second, teams rarely come together simply for the sake of being a team; they come together united for a common purposeone built on shared objectives. Super Star teams are comprised of incredibly bright and talented people who already have individual track records of success. They come together with their collective talents to achieve new, fresh and exciting thingsto achieve Super Star objectives. The team creates a competitive advantage and works together to achieve superior levels of performance.

Before you conclude that this team building process sounds like a walk in the park with everyone stepping in sync, think again. By its very nature, the dynamics of working with a group of brilliant, talented, focused people will stretch every member and require them to tread on uncharted territory. But what an exciting trek! In such an environment, the work remains challenging and new.

How do you build a Super Star Team? Ask yourself these questions:

1. Who is on your team?

It is important to realize and appreciate that beyond the people you hire and the partners with whom you interact-people who are actively engaged in maintaining and growing your business on a daily basis-your team is really anyone who is supportive of your accomplishments. Don't overlook the sphere of influence that your family and friends are part of. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to monitor who provides positive support and who extends negative expectations. Surround yourself with people who know you are shooting for the moon and who wholeheartedly support and reflect your core values.

2. Where are you going and does your team know the itinerary?

You probably realize the importance of keeping your employees and your executive team up to speed on your vision. But what about your family, friends, or the other people whose influence you feel most in your daily life? Have you clearly articulated to them where you are going and how you plan to get there? If you don't share your business plan and your passion with the people who are closest to you, how will they know how to best support you? Don't assume that comments you make in passing will drive home the gravity of your message. Be specific. Sharing your vision can create a dynamic whereby your core values become more clearly defined in the give and take of conversation. Make specific time with people to discuss where you are going and how they can help you get there. Express your passion respectfully and individually with the people who matter most to you, and it will spread like wildfire.

3. What qualities are most important in your team members?

Integrity? Passion? Tenacity? Knowing the qualities you value most is only the half of the equation. It's also up to you to create the environments that allow and, in fact, challenge your team to grow and nurture those qualities. Creating such a platform will also encourage people to admit when they fall short, take constructive criticism, and make adjustments in their performance because they are working within a supportive network of well defined boundaries.

4. Are you tolerating people who don't embody your key values or qualities? If so, why?

Are you afraid of conflict? Do you like to play the martyr? Do you want everyone to like you? Are you afraid of being "wrong"? While any one or all of these may be true at different times, the key to addressing this question goes back to defining and adhering to your must-haves, your core values. When you begin each day with a commitment to them, you won't have time or energy to waste on anyone or anything that does not remain in alignment with what matters most to you and your business.

Essentially, to build a Super Star Team, you must first be a Super Star yourself. There are several keys to being the kind of leader that attracts the best of the best.

1. Think big! Visionary thinkers create visionary businesses.

2. Think fast! Stay on your toes and expect the same from others. A Harvard degree doesn't necessarily equate to best and brightest. Whether a potential team member is book smart or street smart, be sure the person is a quick study with the intellectual and emotional capacity to navigate your growing business.

3. Think now! Change is good. Be cutting edge and ride the tides and you'll attract people who feel empowered by that kind of exciting energy.

4. Think fun! When you are having fun and doing what you love, quality people with similar values will find you and your business attractive. Once you have a Super Star Team in place, fun is one of the things that will keep them there.

A Super Star Team evolves out of the synergistic energy that you put in motion. It begins and grows from being absolutely intentional about your values and your vision. When you have those two things defined, you'll find yourself working with people who constantly inspire and challenge youand not by accident. You will have created a purposeful dynamic in which you and the people who matter most in your life will accomplish great things and touch many lives.

Copyright (c) 2007 Bea Fields and Corey Blake

Bea Fields and Corey Blake with Eva Silva are the co-authors of Edge!:A Leadership Story ( Fields is an Executive Coach and the President of Five Star Leader Coaching and Training. Blake is an author, screenplay writer and the President of Writers of the Round Table Inc. (Http:// Blog789
Aprilette Blog32710

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